
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Ann Knudson a.k****** Smith Schafer CPAs Chief Executive Officer Accounting Rochester, MN, US
Cody McClendon c.m******** Smith Schafer CPAs Marketing Manager Accounting Saint Paul, MN, US
Jenny Wachtel j.w****** Smith Schafer CPAs Talent Manager at Smith Schafer and Associates Accounting Elk River, Minnesota, United States
Steve Erchul s.e***** Smith Schafer CPAs Tax Principal Accounting Minneapolis, MN, US
Kyle Callaway k.c******* Smith Schafer CPAs Tax Manager Accounting McKinney, TX, US
Chris Schroers c.s******* Smith Schafer CPAs Director of Operations Accounting Minneapolis, MN, US
Abv John Edson a.j********* Smith Schafer CPAs Principal Accounting Minneapolis, MN, US
Dean Richards d.r******* Smith Schafer CPAs Principal Accounting Minneapolis, MN, US
Nancy Waldack n.w****** Smith Schafer CPAs Accounting Minneapolis, MN, US
Richard Smith rsm*** CEO United States