
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Nick Sauer nsa*** Chicago, IL, US
Sara Frederick Knizhnik sfr**************** Chicago, IL, US
Lora Nordstrom lno******* Zion, IL, US
Jonathan Chastek jch***** Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company President Truck Transportation Brewster, OH, US
Kasey O'Connor ko'****** Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company VP Engineering Truck Transportation Canal Fulton, OH, US
Jennifer Ritchey jri***** Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company Paralegal - Law and Real Estate Truck Transportation Brewster, OH, US
Carla Ann Gonzales can********** Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company Executive Assistant to the CEO Truck Transportation Brewster, OH, US
Jim Hill jhi** Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company Vice President of Transportation Truck Transportation Brewster, OH, US
Cody Reinsel cre***** Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company Director of Cost and Budgeting Truck Transportation Columbus, OH, US
Kelly Joseph kjo**** Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Company Director Sales and Marketing Truck Transportation Uniontown, OH, US