
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Matthew Orr mat******** Fisher & Paykel Appliances Chief Operating Officer - F and P Home Manufacturing Auckland, NZ
Thomas Fenst tho********* Fisher & Paykel Appliances Executive Vice President - Manufacturing, Supply Chain and Procurement Manufacturing Auckland, NZ
Andrew Cooke and********* Fisher & Paykel Appliances EVP - Manufacturing, Digital and IT Manufacturing Auckland, NZ
John Bongard joh********* Fisher & Paykel Appliances Manufacturing Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Michael Boersen mic************ Fisher & Paykel Appliances Chief Financial Officer Manufacturing Auckland, NZ
Duncan Brown dun********* Fisher & Paykel Appliances Executive Vice President - People and Capability Manufacturing Auckland, NZ
Rudi Khoury rud******** Fisher & Paykel Appliances Executive Vice President - Marketing and Digital Transformation Manufacturing Brisbane, QLD, AU
Jason Dillon jas********* Fisher & Paykel Appliances Manufacturing Sacramento, CA, US
Candace Penney can*********** Smith River, CA, US
Alfred Mickee alf********** Smith River, CA, US