
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Christian Welles chr************* Bayreuth, Bayern, Germany
Martina Voigt mar********** Bavaria, Germany
Thorsten Molitor tho************* KARL STORZ Endoscopy-America, Inc. Executive Vice President Global Sales & Marketing and Global R&D Manufacturing Tuttlingen, BW, DE
Holger Mann hol******** KARL STORZ Endoscopy-America, Inc. Executive Vice President, Global Human Resources, CHRO Manufacturing Germany
Claudia Schober cla************ KARL STORZ Endoscopy-America, Inc. Senior Vice President Global Marketing Manufacturing Germany
Wilhelm Rosenkranz wil*************** KARL STORZ Endoscopy-America, Inc. Vice President Manufacturing Tuttlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Knut Siercks knu********* KARL STORZ Endoscopy-America, Inc. Executive Vice President - Global Innovation Management CTO Manufacturing St. Gallen, SG, CH
Giovanni Aragone gio************* KARL STORZ Endoscopy-America, Inc. Regional Vice President Commercial Operations, Latam and Canada Manufacturing Mexico City, Mexico
Sady Sayago sad******** KARL STORZ Endoscopy-America, Inc. Director of Sales Europe Manufacturing Tuttlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Bernhard Barth ber*********** Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, Member of the board Canton, MI, US