
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Peter Lockinger pet************ Conversica Software San Mateo, CA, US
Zineb Laraki zin********* Conversica Vice President and Head of Product Software San Francisco, CA, US
Mark Jancola mar********* Conversica Chief Development Officer Software Kirkland, WA, US
Ella Dillon ell******** Conversica Chief Customer Officer Software Seattle, WA, US
David Hamilton dav*********** SAP Concur Chief Marketing Officer Software Kirkland, WA, US
Brian Vance bri******** SAP Concur COO and VP Market Assessment and Planning - Concur Marketing and Solutions Software Paoli, PA, US
Michelle Craig mic*********** SAP Concur Vice President, Thought Leadership and Integrated Marketing Software Seattle, WA, US
Kelly Rigotti kel********** SAP Concur Vice President, Digital Marketing Software Seattle, WA, US
Stephen Measelle ste************* SAP Concur Software Seattle, WA, US
Ambarish Malpani amb************* SAP Concur Chief Technology Officer Software California, United States