
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Erik Bakstad eri********* Ardoq CEO and Co-founder Software Oslo, NO
Nick Peters nic******** Ardoq VP of Operations Software Oslo, NO
Svein Kirkeng sve********** Ardoq SVP Sales & Marketing at Ardoq (Interim) Software Oslo, NO
Helen Sutton hel********* Ardoq Chief Revenue Officer Software London, GB
Ralph Berg ral******* Ardoq VP of Sales Software Oslo, NO
Ian Stendera ian********* Ardoq VP of Product Software Oslo, NO
Robin Fitzhugh rob*********** Ardoq Regional Vice President of Sales Software London, GB
Laurie Kelly lau********* Ardoq VP of Marketing, Demand Generation Software Boston, MA, US
Øystein Ellingbø øys************* Ardoq Software Vøyenenga, Viken, NO
Melissa Mills mel********** Ardoq Software Oslo, NO