
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Jon Nelson jon******* TDK Appliances Lincolnshire, IL, US
Stefano Zanella ste************ TDK Vice President of Product Marketing - Head of the Automotive and Industrial Businesses - MEMSBG Appliances San Jose, CA, US
Sal Akram sal****** TDK Vice President Appliances California, United States
Manish Giri man******** TDK Vice President, Healthcare Business Appliances Portland, OR, US
Fabio Pasolini fab*********** TDK Vice President and General Manager Appliances Milan, IT
Vibhu Vivek vib******** TDK Appliances California, United States
Andreas Keller and*********** TDK SVP, Chief People and Sustainability Officer Appliances Tokyo, Japan
Pooja Salunkhe poo** HR Manager Pune, Maharashtra, India
Mayur Shinde may** Operations and Admin Pune, MH, IN
Dhananjay Puranik dha****** Manager Services Delivery Pune, Maharashtra, India