
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
William Lemeur wle**** Superior Tire & Rubber Corp EVP Consumer Goods Warren, PA, US
Bradley Conquer bco***** Superior Tire & Rubber Corp VP of Finance and Administration Consumer Goods Warren, PA, US
Beau Kibbey bki**** Superior Tire & Rubber Corp Director Of Manufacturing Operations Consumer Goods Russell, PA, US
Keith Bertch kbe**** Superior Tire & Rubber Corp Director of Human Resources and EHS Consumer Goods Warren, PA, US
Joseph Peterson jpe****** Superior Tire & Rubber Corp Vice President Consumer Goods Warren, Pennsylvania, United States
Jared Steier jst**** Superior Tire & Rubber Corp Vice President of Sales and Marketing Consumer Goods Charlotte, NC, US
Joe Terrasi jte***** Superior Tire & Rubber Corp Communications Manager Consumer Goods Warren, PA, US
David Beals dbe*** Vice President and Director Rehab Services and ATP Thousand Oaks, CA, US
Brian Beals bbe*** Client Services Manager Los Angeles, CA, US
Joé Prieto jpr**** Long Beach, CA, US