
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Jillian Dyszynski jdy******* American Forest Foundation Director of Climate Finance Environmental Services Rockville, MD, US
Jason Meyer jme*** American Forest Foundation Environmental Services Grand Rapids, MI, US
Arjun Dürr adü** American Forest Foundation Environmental Services Washington, DC, US
Christine Cadigan cca***** American Forest Foundation Executive Vice President, Carbon Origination Environmental Services Washington, DC, US
Stuart Gray stu**** Roseburg Forest Products Chief Operating Officer Manufacturing Springfield, OR, US
Jake Elston jak** Roseburg Forest Products Senior Vice President Operations Manufacturing Springfield, OR, US
Grady Mulbery gra*** Roseburg Forest Products President and Chief Executive Officer Manufacturing Eugene, Oregon, United States
Marty Daley mar*** Roseburg Forest Products CFO Manufacturing Eugene, OR, US
Douglas Asano dou***** Roseburg Forest Products Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing Manufacturing Davidson, NC, US
John Myers joh** Roseburg Forest Products Corporate Director of Environmental Health and Safety Manufacturing Eugene, OR, US