
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Gary Jacob gja*** Glenwood Executive Vice President Real Estate New York, NY, US
Ken Oliver kol**** Glenwood President and Chief Executive Officer Real Estate Birmingham, AL, US
Kevin Johnson kjo***** Glenwood President Real Estate Cleveland, OH, US
Anthony Kiriazi aki***** Glenwood Facilities Manager Maintenance Real Estate New York, NY, US
Steve Enright sen***** Glenwood IT Director and Systems Administrator Real Estate New York, United States
Nicole Spodek nsp**** Glenwood On-Site Manager Real Estate Old Westbury, NY, US
Kristen Ivers kiv*** Glenwood Management Supervisor Real Estate New York, NY, US
Charlie Dorego cdo**** Glenwood Svp and general counsel Real Estate New York, NY, US
Aleksander Levental ale******* Chief Executive Officer Gainesville, FL, US
Aidan Augustin aid** Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) and President Gainesville, FL, US