
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Lorcan Murtagh lor*********** Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Daniel Ko [email protected] LS Cable & System Senior Vice President Manufacturing South Korea
Hyun Park hpa** LS Cable & System Vice President Manufacturing South Korea
Sung Shin ssh** LS Cable & System Director Manufacturing Sangju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, KR
Daniel Ryu dry* LS Cable & System General Manager of Singapore Branch Manufacturing Singapore
Jae Kim jki* LS Cable & System General Manager Manufacturing South Korea
Marc Dodeman mdo***** LS Cable & System Director of Submarine Cable Projects Manufacturing United States
Choong Kim cki* LS Cable & System Sevinor Vice President Manufacturing Atlanta, GA, US
Minyoung Lee mle* LS Cable & System Purchaisng Manager Manufacturing South Korea
Nick Fassnacht nfa******* LS Cable & System Manufacturing Tarboro, NC, US