
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Rick Zwiernikowski rzw*********** Hastings Manufacturing CFO Manufacturing Hastings, MI, US
Tom DeGroot tde***** Hastings Manufacturing Purchasing Manager Manufacturing Grand Rapids, MI, US
David Sepesi dse**** Hastings Manufacturing VP OEM Sales Manufacturing Whitmore Lake, MI, US
Sathya Piercy spi**** Hastings Manufacturing Global Marketing Manager Manufacturing Kalamazoo, MI, US
Dennis Graham dgr**** Hastings Manufacturing Manufacturing Hastings, MI, US
Davey Jung dju** Chief Operating Officer Ann Arbor, MI, US
Marco Illig mil*** Vice President Engineering Marion, AR, US
Dean Hartford dha****** VP of Corporate Strategy Livonia, MI, US
Doug Baldwin dba***** Senior Vice President and BOD Member Mineral Wells, WV, US
Harold Johnson hjo***** Senior Vice President, Plant Manager Corona, CA, US