
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Guy Stone gst*** Blue Tech Inc. President IT Services and IT Consulting San Diego, CA, US
Eric Martinis ema****** Blue Tech Inc. Vice President IT Services and IT Consulting San Clemente, CA, US
Sarah Looysen slo***** Blue Tech Inc. Director of Marketing and Vendor Relations IT Services and IT Consulting Colorado Springs, CO, US
Dylan Slay dsl** Blue Tech Inc. Sales Manager IT Services and IT Consulting San Diego, CA, US
Vaughn Howard vho**** Blue Tech Inc. Services Manager IT Services and IT Consulting San Diego, CA, US
Charles Kratochvil ckr******** Blue Tech Inc. Senior Account Manager IT Services and IT Consulting San Diego, CA, US
Christopher Cromwell ccr****** Blue Tech Inc. Accountant IT Services and IT Consulting San Diego, CA, US
John Cameron jca***** Blue Tech Inc. Account Executive IT Services and IT Consulting San Diego, CA, US
Jason Dolph jdo*** Blue Tech Inc. Account Executive IT Services and IT Consulting San Diego, CA, US
Joey Balanka jba***** Blue Tech Inc. Buyer IT Services and IT Consulting New York, NY, US