
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Lorenzo Moretti lor************ Dr. Martens Store President EMEA Retail United Kingdom
Sarah Whelan sar********* Dr. Martens Store Head of Global Social Media and Communities Retail London, GB
Meg Johnson meg******** Dr. Martens Store Chief Marketing Officer Retail Albury, England, GB
Michelle Faure mic*********** Dr. Martens Store Head of Brand Strategy and Insights Retail London, GB
Jon Mortimore jon********** Dr. Martens Store CFO Retail London, GB
Andrew Hewitt and********** Dr. Martens Store Head of Tax Retail East Molesey, GB
Victoria Nightingale vic***************** Dr. Martens Store Retail United States
Emily Reichwald emi************ Dr. Martens Store Retail United Kingdom
Jason Foster jas** London, GB
Artem Stalpouski art** Co-founder and CTO London, GB