
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Linda Murphy lin********* ESP Enterprise System Partners SVP Consulting and Operations Business Services Mountain View, CA, US
Liam O'Brien lia********* ESP Enterprise System Partners Managing Director and Consultant Business Services Ireland
Diarmuid Quinn dia*********** ESP Enterprise System Partners Director Business Services Unknown
Jason Allen jas******** ESP Enterprise System Partners MES Consultant Business Services Unknown
Kevin Henning kev********** ESP Enterprise System Partners Regional Manager Business Services Raleigh, NC, US
Joop Roes joo****** ESP Enterprise System Partners Regional Manager Benelux Business Services Hoogeloon, North Brabant, Netherlands
Ahmet Sever ahm******** ESP Enterprise System Partners Business Services Kocaeli, Turkey
Norma Collins nor********** ESP Enterprise System Partners Talent Supply Demand Specialist Business Services Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Maggi Schubert mag** President and CEO Sacramento, CA, US
Sierra Herron sie*** Program Director Anchorage, AK, US