
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
James Herman jam*** Total Transportation Services (TTSI) Chief Commercial Officer Transportation North Carolina, United States
Luke Simendinger luk** Total Transportation Services (TTSI) Chief Operating Officer Transportation Los Angeles, CA, US
Undine Schwarz und**** Total Transportation Services (TTSI) VP Finance Transportation Torrance, CA, US
Sherry Hertel she**** Total Transportation Services (TTSI) Vice President of Intermodal Sales Transportation Los Angeles, CA, US
Gls Tony A. Williamson gls* Total Transportation Services (TTSI) Director, Compliance and Sustainability Transportation Los Angeles, California, United States
Rosie Gomez ros*** Total Transportation Services (TTSI) Director of Human Resources Transportation Wilmington, California, United States
Scott Freeborn sco*** Total Transportation Services (TTSI) Senior Vice President Transportation Compton, CA, US
Mark Lampano mar** Total Transportation Services (TTSI) Transportation Los Angeles, CA, US
ton** Total Transportation Services (TTSI) Transportation
Kerry Byrne kby*** President Cincinnati, OH, US