
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Mandeep Chhatwal man************* Nestlé Health Science CFO Zone Asia, Oceania and Sub Saharan Africa Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Lausanne, VD, CH
Vineet Khanna vin********** Nestlé Health Science Senior Vice President, Global Head of Supply Chain Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Vevey, VD, CH
Marco Restelli mar*********** Nestlé Health Science VP R and D, Head of NPTC Waters Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland
Bernard Meunier ber************ Nestlé Health Science EVP, Head of Strategic Business Units, Marketing and Sales Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Vevey, VD, CH
Carsten Hackel car*********** Nestlé Health Science Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland
Sophie Pearson sop*********** Head of People Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Sophie Costello sop************ Director Cambridge, MA, US
Craig Brooks-Rooney cra**************** Scientific Director Boston, MA, US
Charli Andrews cha*********** Talent Acquisition and Early Careers Manager Cambridge, GB
Annabel Griffiths ann************** Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom