
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Dustin White dus*** Guntown, MS, US
Janette Osorio jan**** Azusa, CA, US
Jeremy Hoff jho** Hooker Furniture Corporation Chief Executive Officer Furniture Martinsville, VA, US
Johne Albanese jal****** Hooker Furniture Corporation Chief Marketing Officer and President of Global Ecommerce Furniture Martinsville, VA, US
Tim O'Hare to'**** Hooker Furniture Corporation Senior Vice President Design for Hooker Casegoods and Upholstery Furniture Martinsville, VA, US
Scott Prillaman spr******* Hooker Furniture Corporation Vice President, Casegoods Operations Furniture Stanleytown, VA, US
Stephanie Penn spe** Hooker Furniture Corporation Furniture High Point, NC, US
Anne Smith asm*** Hooker Furniture Corporation Furniture Martinsville, VA, US
Sandi Teague ste**** Hooker Furniture Corporation Vice President of Sales and Merchandising (Sam Moore Furniture) Furniture Hickory, North Carolina, United States
Ken Donham kdo**** Hooker Furniture Corporation Furniture Hickory, NC, US