
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Sarah Smith sar*** Roseburg Forest Products Director of Strategic Marketing Manufacturing Ketchum, ID, US
Matt Lawless mat** Roseburg Forest Products Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary Manufacturing Eugene, OR, US
Kendrick McBride ken****** Roseburg Forest Products Production Manager Manufacturing South Weldon, NC, US
Ronald Agee ron**** Roseburg Forest Products Grader Manufacturing Myrtle Creek, OR, US
Cassandra Crosier cas******* Roseburg Forest Products Environmental Health Safety Coordinator Manufacturing Dillard, OR, US
Ben Wommack ben* Roseburg Forest Products Mechanical Coordinator Manufacturing Roanoke Rapids, NC, US
James Bickel jam*** Roseburg Forest Products Environmental Engineer Manufacturing Montana, United States
Dayna Quanbeck dqu****** Rothy's Chief Operating Officer Manufacturing San Francisco, CA, US
Jamie Gersch jge**** Rothy's Chief Marketing Officer Manufacturing San Francisco, CA, US
Stephen Hawthornthwaite sha************* Rothy's Co-Founder | Chairman, Board of Directors Manufacturing Palm Beach, FL, US