
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Garrick S CoreLogic | Roostify Senior Software Engineering Manager Software Development Baton Rouge, LA, US
Meghana Hulsure mhu***** CoreLogic | Roostify Product Manager Software Development California, United States
Jeffrey Krischer jkr****** CoreLogic | Roostify Sales Director Software Development San Francisco, California, United States
Rania Nassar rna**** CoreLogic | Roostify Business Development Consultant Software Development Los Angeles, California, United States
Manuel Aldanese mal****** CoreLogic | Roostify Director Of Production Operations Software Development San Francisco, CA, US
Courtney McInturff cmc******* CoreLogic | Roostify Design Manager Software Development Houston, TX, US
Uyen Nguyen ung**** CoreLogic | Roostify Senior Director, Customer Support Software Development Austin, TX, US
Michael Heller hel*** CEO Hamburg, Germany
Claus Welther wel**** Director Online Marketing and E-Commerce Development Cologne, NRW, DE
Kirstin Tong ton* Head of Logistics Berlin, DE