
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Chris Choi chr******* Vice President Of Development New York, New York, United States
Adam Fowler ada******** Technical Director Edinburgh, Scotland, GB
Jonathan Fox jon********* Director, Analytics and Data Science New York, NY, US
Tom Walton tom******* Senior Director of Workplace Services and Real Estate - Global New York, NY, US
Sam Cossart [email protected] General Manager Brisbane City, QLD, AU
Russ Sigler rsi**** RUSSELL SIGLER INC Chairman Construction United States
Robert Wood rwo** RUSSELL SIGLER INC Director of Marketing Construction San Diego, CA, US
Sydney Skarphol ssk****** RUSSELL SIGLER INC Logistics Manager Construction Mesa, AZ, US
Whitney Spradling wsp******* RUSSELL SIGLER INC Human Resources Manager Construction Phoenix, AZ, US
Nathan McShurley nmc******* RUSSELL SIGLER INC Purchasing Manager Construction Tolleson, AZ, US