
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Katie Ellis kel*** Project Consultant Texas, United States
Micah Cash mca** Project Consultant Charlotte, NC, US
Angela Detlor ade**** Direct Response and Project Consultant Los Angeles, California, United States
Jack Roush jac******* Roush Performance Products, Inc. VP of Marketing Automotive Livonia, MI, US
Taylor Bloor tay********* Roush Performance Products, Inc. Vice President of Sales Automotive Detroit, MI, US
Josh Massab jos******** Roush Performance Products, Inc. Director of Marketing Automotive United States
Kevin McLoughlin kev************* Roush Performance Products, Inc. Portfolio Director Automotive Livonia, MI, US
Mark Ray mar***** Roush Performance Products, Inc. Director Sales Western Region Automotive Roseville, CA, US
Brian Sohacki bri********** Roush Performance Products, Inc. Sr. Engine Design and Development Engineer Automotive Livonia, MI, US
Gerry Silka ger******** Roush Performance Products, Inc. Roush Performance Products Senior Engineer Automotive Dearborn, MI, US