
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Bill Gallo bga*** Tops Markets Director of GM and HBC, Fuel, and Supply Chain Retail Groceries Town of Lancaster, New York, United States
Karri Zwirlein kzw****** Tops Markets Director of Bakery, Deli, and Prepared Foods Retail Groceries Town of Lancaster, New York, United States
Charlie Borden cbo**** Tops Markets Meat cutter Retail Groceries Syracuse, NY, US
David Barrett dba***** Tops Markets Business Analyst Retail Groceries Buffalo, NY, US
Jeremy Heckman jhe***** Tops Markets Senior Graphic Designer Retail Groceries Buffalo, NY, US
Sue Durfee sdu**** Tops Markets Retired Retail Groceries New York, United States
Bill Thomas bth**** Tops Markets Maintenance Specialist Retail Groceries Jamestown, NY, US
Rick Mills rmi*** Tops Markets Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer Retail Groceries Louisville, KY, US
Andrew Cottrell aco****** Tops Markets Consumer Insights Analyst Retail Groceries Tonawanda, NY, US
Jillian Sirica jsi**** Tops Markets Manager, Digital Marketing Retail Groceries Buffalo, NY, US