
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Rizwan Mohammad riz*** Production Foreman United Arab Emirates
Stefan Hantke ste********** SCHNEEBERGER USA President and Chief Executive Officer Industrial Machinery & Equipment Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Tobias Daniel tob********** SCHNEEBERGER USA Chief Sales Officer (CSO) - Member of the Executive Board Industrial Machinery & Equipment Roggwil, BE, CH
Troy Sanders tro********* SCHNEEBERGER USA VP Sales and Marketing Industrial Machinery & Equipment New York, NY, US
Stefan Pulver ste********** SCHNEEBERGER USA Vice President Sales, Member of the board Industrial Machinery & Equipment Roggwil, BE, CH
Benjamin Hess ben********** SCHNEEBERGER USA Project Manager Industrial Machinery & Equipment Roggwil, BE, CH
Hans Rauch han******* SCHNEEBERGER USA Head of Supply Chain Industrial Machinery & Equipment Lausanne, VD, CH
Yves Breitschmid yve************* SCHNEEBERGER USA Vice President and Head of Business Units Industrial Machinery & Equipment Roggwil, BE, CH
Linda Aylward lin********** SCHNEEBERGER USA General Manager Industrial Machinery & Equipment Boston, MA, US
Oliver Dietschi oli************ SCHNEEBERGER USA Head of Operations Industrial Machinery & Equipment Aarau, Aargau, Switzerland