
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Mike Eklund mek**** Shutterfly CFO Software Development Austin, TX, US
Michael Robinson mro****** Shutterfly Chief Information Officer Software Development California, United States
Lisa Stromer lst***** Shutterfly Vice President Strategic Business Development Software Development San Francisco, California, United States
Corey Conklin cco***** Shutterfly Vice President, Customer Care Software Development Tempe, AZ, US
Stephanie Metcalf sme***** Shutterfly VP - Head of Product and UX for Shutterfly and Snapfish Software Development Saint Paul, MN, US
Adam Kennedy ake***** Shutterfly VP of Creative + Design Software Development California, United States
Melynnie Rizvi mri*** Shutterfly Deputy General Counsel, Employment, Litigation, Compliance, Business Practices and Ip Software Development California, United States
Stephanie Davila sda**** Shutterfly Director of Performance Media Software Development Minneapolis, MN, US
Anne Heike ahe*** Shutterfly Manager, Associate Creative Director Software Development Minneapolis, MN, US
Cassandra Leal cle** Shutterfly Learning and Development Specialist II Software Development Brownsville, TX, US