
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Brad McSweeny bmc****** Summit ESP Sr. Mfg and Quality Manager Oil and Gas Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
Cameron Osborn cos**** Summit ESP I.T. Business Analyst Oil and Gas Tulsa, OK, US
Matthew Fisher mfi**** Summit ESP Account Leader Oil and Gas Artesia, NM, US
Chad Richardson cri******** Summit ESP Tech Oil and Gas Alva, OK, US
Bill Chowning bch****** Summit ESP Field service tech Oil and Gas Chandler, OK, US
Brian Norton bno**** Summit ESP Senior Technical Advisor Oil and Gas Wasilla, Alaska, United States
Liz Curtis lcu**** President Boston, MA, US
Norah McVeigh nmc***** Senior Vice President New York, NY, US
Juliana Koo jko* Senior Vice President San Francisco, CA, US
Rachel Ford rfo** Vice President Boston, MA, US