
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Blaine Babb bba** LINE-X Vice President, Procurement and Supply Chain Manufacturing Charlotte, NC, US
George Lezon gle*** LINE-X Executive Vice President of Operation Manufacturing San Diego, CA, US
Teppy Wigington twi******* LINE-X Director of Marketing Manufacturing Chandler, AZ, US
David John djo** LINE-X Chief Executive Officer Manufacturing Minneapolis, MN, US
Ben Burke bbu*** LINE-X President Manufacturing Lancaster, OH, US
Michael McAllister mmc******** LINE-X Vice President Operations Manufacturing Charlotte, NC, US
Jim Klein jkl*** LINE-X Managing Director of Canadian Franchise Operations Manufacturing Sherwood Park, AB, CA
Jeff Jira jji** LINE-X Director, Global Commercial and Industrial Development Manufacturing Columbia, MO, US
Nathan Boyd nbo** LINE-X Videographer Manufacturing Charlotte, NC, US
Corey Vaissiere cva******* LINE-X Customer Experience Manager Manufacturing Charlotte, NC, US