
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Brent Sheehan bre** 16th Amendment Advisors Llc Municipal Bond Portfolio Manager Head Of Municipal Bond Smastrategies At 16th Amendment Advisors
Eartha Rios ear*** 1st Position Gmbh Head Of Public Relations
Raquel Pinela raq*** 1st Position Gmbh Professora
Jana Beutke jan* 1st Position Gmbh Auszubildende Zur Mediengestalterin
Miranda Archer mir****@nashvillejuniorc... Nashville Junior Chamber Board Member | Vice President, Special Events
Lê Bình lãª 218 Strand Car Repair
Agnès Michaut agn********** 1000feuille Directrice Artistique
Li Chengcheng lic********* 1000feuille Stagiaire
Olivia Briggs oli*** 218 Strand Summer Intern
Lionel Richard lio********** 1000feuille Directeur De Création Et Directeur D Agence