
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Gaurav Verma gau******** 21north Head Service Delivery
Mohd Parwez moh******* 21north Sourcing Specialist
Bhargav Vadlapudi bha************* 21north Assistant Manager Procurement
Kabeer Bodele kab********* 21north Support Executive
Yann Bonafons yan********* Zenchef Lead Mobile Developer
Camille Guerend cam*********** Zenchef Administrateur Des Ventes
Thomas Zeitoun tho********** Zenchef Head Of Partnerships And Co Founder
Annalisa Valentino ann************** Zenchef Senior Customer Sucess Manager
Xavier Zeitoun xav********** Zenchef Co Founder And Chief Executive Officer
Julien Balmont jul********** Zenchef Co Founder, Chief Technology Officer And Product Manager