
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Brice Blanchard bri** 1789.Fr Directeur Du Pôle Formation Webmarketing
Quentin Gillier que**** 1789.Fr Assistant Commercial
Simon Brunet sim** 1789.Fr Responsable Acquisition Seo And Sea
William Camara wil**** 1789.Fr Alternant Marketing Digital Seo
Benoit Peigné ben*** 1789.Fr Social Media Manager Chez 1789.Fr
Quentin Vanbruwaene que**** 1789.Fr Chef De Projet Webmarketing And Formateur
Arnaud Brice arn*** 1789.Fr Traffic Manager Sea
Janette Palmer jan**** 1791gunleather National Sales Manager
Alejandro Toussieh ale****** 1791gunleather Co Founder And Chief Operations Officer
Heather T hea**** 1791gunleather Director Of Finance And Accounting