
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Tom Lawrence [email protected] 360leaders Senior Associate
Julie Goussu jul** 5e Rue Consultante Senior And Chef De Projet Stratégie Digitale
Jerry Maynard jer** 360leaders Co Founder And Director
Suzanne Usui suz**** 5e Rue Consultante En Stratégie Digitale
Ben Markland [email protected] 360leaders Managing Partner And Co Founder
Charlotte Boksenbaum cha****** 5e Rue Directrice Conseil
Kirstina Assoc kir***** 360leaders Office Manager
Morgane Gey mor**** 5e Rue Senior Digital Consultant
Maryem Benzekri mar*** 5e Rue Digital Strategy Consultant
Jordan Toner jto*** 3d Bail Bonds Customer Care Representative