
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Samantha Ball sam***** 2ic Software Branding And Customer Experience Co Ordinator
Kjersti Johansen kje**** 2ic Software Software Tester
Myquaila Carter myq***** 2ic Software Software Trainer
Nina Ash Clarke nin* 2ic Software Customer Service Officer
Troy Tarrant tro* 2ic Software Systems Engineer
Anh Nguyễn [email protected] 30shine Jsc. Marketing Specialist
Hong Hoang hon* 30shine Jsc. Full Stack Developer
Tường Lê tæ°***** 30shine Jsc. Recruiter
PhÆ°Æ¡ng Cao phæ***** 30shine Jsc. Marketing Content Specialist
Benjamin Bellucci ben*****@5starmedicalcorp... 5starmedical Corp Sales Manager And Patient Care