
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Jennifer Davis jen***** 360directories Production Manager And Web Designer
Michael Portillo mic****@4lakesdrivingsch... 4 Lakes Driver Training School Driving Instructor
Bailey Wilson bai***@4lakesdrivingsch... 4 Lakes Driver Training School Driving Instructor
Eyal Navon eya* 2k Kreativkonzept Grafikdesigner
Norman Steinbach nor*** 2k Kreativkonzept Art Director
Adrian Wilde adr*** 2k Kreativkonzept Auszubildender Mediengestalter
Tanja Schade tan** 2k Kreativkonzept Senior Project Manager And Consultant
Cody Bartels cod* 5th Street Pub Server
Kilian Schweizer kil*** 2k Kreativkonzept Video Production, Motion Graphics And Multimedia
Casey Johnson cas** 5th Street Pub Chef De Cuisine