
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Ilse Modene ils*@60hertzenergy... 60hertz Microgrids Director Of Customer Success
Piper Wilder pip**@60hertzenergy... 60hertz Microgrids Founder And Chief Executive Officer
Travis Pence tra***@60hertzenergy... 60hertz Microgrids Software Engineer
Jesse Hintz jes**@60hertzenergy... 60hertz Microgrids Product Manager
Suzanne Kwagala suz****@60hertzenergy... 60hertz Microgrids Customer Service Associate
John Robinson joh* 360red Productions Ltd Animator
Sanjay Rajput san*** 360red Productions Ltd Creative Director
Maurie James mau*** 2mb Software Chief Operating Officer
Isabel Cervantes isa*** 40 Grados Dependiente
Noemi Córdoba noe** 40 Grados Dependienta