
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Catrinel Burghelea cat***** 2performant Executive Strategic Advisor
Tiberiu Anghelina tib**** 2performant Product Owner
Irina Dumitrascu iri** 2performant Chief Technology Officer
Pradeep Jha pra******* 360 Clothing Fabric Manager
Karuna Kaul kar******* 360 Clothing Senior Merchandiser
Renu Dube ren***** 360 Clothing Merchandise Manager
Hassan Karim has******** 360 Clothing Creative Director
Sanjay Gupta san******** 360 Clothing Fabric Manager
Roberta Marotti rob****@theprintworksclu... 37 Degrees Project Manager And System And Membership Regional Manager
Suman Jha sum***** 360 Clothing Accounts Executive