
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Jisung Kim jis*** 6gram Frontend Developer
Edward Jung edw*** 6gram Marketing Internship
Jihee Kim jih** 6gram Business To Business Associate
Aparna Ambay aam***@360dermatolog... 360 Dermatology Chief Executive Officer And Founder
Ashley Resto are***@360dermatolog... 360 Dermatology Surgical Technologist
Gabriela Rivera gri****@360dermatolog... 360 Dermatology Medical Assistant
Mary Elizabeth Fuentes mfu*****@360dermatolog... 360 Dermatology Practice Manager
Astrid Sanchez asa*****@360dermatolog... 360 Dermatology Director Of Operations
Adriel Fonnesbeck adr************* 6h Talent Recruiter
Swapna Agarwala swa*********** 6h Talent Teacher