
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Lysan Van Der Galiën lys** 2solar Software Product Owner
Robbert De Bruijn rob**** 2solar Software Customer Implementation And Succes Consultant
Nina Van Der Werff nin* 2solar Software Support
Brian Williams bri**@6thavenueoutfitt... 6th Avenue Outfitters Owner
Julia Adelman jul**@6thavenueoutfitt... 6th Avenue Outfitters Administrative Assistant Office Manager
Paul Adelman pau*@6thavenueoutfitt... 6th Avenue Outfitters Manager And Buyer
Teddie Yune ted***@6thavenueoutfitt... 6th Avenue Outfitters Accountant
Kate Giard kat*@6thavenueoutfitt... 6th Avenue Outfitters Manager
Richard Allred ric****@6thavenueoutfitt... 6th Avenue Outfitters Salesperson
Kimberly Speier kim*********** 43north Portfolio Growth Manager