
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Jehudi Soriano jso***** 7 Labs Ejecutivo De Vetas
Peter Orth pet****** 4dx Ventures Co Founder And Managing Partner
Raaid Ahmad raa******* 4dx Ventures Founding Operating And Venture Partner
Daniel Marlo dan******** 4dx Ventures Founding Operating And Venture Partner
Harriet Adinkrah har************ 4dx Ventures Investment Associate
Farah Safwat far******** 4dx Ventures Investment Associate
Marco De Benedictis mar** 7layers Srl Security Engineer
Niccolò Vascellari nic***** 7layers Srl Security System Engineer, Recruiter Presso 7layers S.R.L.
Federica Giordana fed***** 7layers Srl Inside Sales
Alberto Vedovato alb**** 7layers Srl Cyber Security Engineer