
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Harald Sætran har*** 4human It Consultant
Sæthre Helge sã¦**** 4human Manager Delivery And Support
Pooja Kejriwal poo********** 7vachan Pro
Linsie Paul lin******* 7vachan National Head Business Development
Minnat Lalpuria min*********** 7vachan Founder And Managing Director
Tharaka Boga tha******** 7vachan Cheif Technology Officer
Natasha Bhojwani nat************ 7vachan Sales Manager
Vîshàl DÃ¥sārirãjú vã®******************* 7vachan Software Engineer
James Borst jam** 3 D City Scapes Co Founder And Chief Operations Officer
John Reed joh* 3 D City Scapes Business Development Executive