
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Michael Karaffa mka***** 4medica - One Patient...One Record Business Development Manager Hospitals and Health Care Charlotte, NC, US
Michele Mankins mma***** 4medica - One Patient...One Record Radiology Information Systems Administrator Hospitals and Health Care
Gregg Church gch**** 4medica - One Patient...One Record President at 4medica, Inc. Hospitals and Health Care Marina del Rey, CA, US
Alex Kasman aka**** 4medica - One Patient...One Record Technical Director Hospitals and Health Care
Clare Murphy cmu**** 4medica - One Patient...One Record Manager, Customer Support Hospitals and Health Care Culver City, CA, US
Jeff Hinton jef* 815 Productions, Llc Lighting Designer
Yasmin Yasminrodrigues yas*** 815 Productions, Llc 1234
Mccormick Brubaker mcc****** 3dphotoworks, Llc Digital Manager
Aidan Ludington aid** 818 Global, Inc. Sales Service Representative
Christine Adams chr****** 818 Global, Inc. Sales Representative