
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Jarred Salha jar******** 858 Graphics Regional Sales Manager
David Hay dav***** 858 Graphics Founder
Joey Mello joe****** 858 Graphics Production
Andy Mccullough and*********** 858 Graphics Prepress Operator
Arcy Ramos arc****** 858 Graphics Graphic Designer
Michael Allan mic********* 858 Graphics Project Manager
Wyatt Norberg wya********* 858 Graphics Productions Manager And Procurement Specialist
Josep Suñer jos** 4 Not Sweating Co Founder And Business Developer
Pouya Khosravi pou** 3dt Holdings Llc Research Intern
Charlie Levy Louapre cha****@4nrj-innovation.... 4nrj Chef De Projet Recherche Et Développement