
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Virginia Aragón vir***** 8evolve Corporate Project Manager
Stephane Farouze ste***** 8f Investment Partners Founder and Chairman Singapore
Gerald Toledano ger*** 8f Investment Partners Partner Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Henry Jianing hen** 8f Investment Partners Private Equity Investment Manager Singapore
Yoram Layani yor** 8f Investment Partners Global Co-Head of Business Development Hong Kong
Denis Lefranc den** 8f Investment Partners General Manager and Chairman China Shanghai, China
Martin Fothergill mar*** 8f Investment Partners Co-founder and Partner London, England, United Kingdom
Shiblee Alam shi**** 8f Investment Partners Managing Director – Head of Impact Investments and Chief Sustainability Officer Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Paul Williams pwi****** 4sight Communications Limited Enterprise Solutions Manager
Ross Anderson ran****** 4sight Communications Limited Junior Project Manager