
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Collin Orcutt col*** 4site Incorporated Project Manager
Cory Young cor* 4site Incorporated Field Lead And Project Manager
Michael Wilson mic**********@4sitestudios.... 4site Interactive Studios Developer
Bryan Casler bry********@4sitestudios.... 4site Interactive Studios Vice President Of Strategy
Heming Nelson hem*********@4sitestudios.... 4site Interactive Studios Owner
Heather Schneider hea*************@4sitestudios.... 4site Interactive Studios Senior Vice President Of Production
Chip Kuhn chi*****@4sitestudios.... 4site Interactive Studios Director Of Video Production
Sam To [email protected] 8ninths Lead Visual Designer
Mira Singh mir* 8ninths Volunteer
Lindsay Shelmire lin**** 8ninths Vr Producer And Program Manager