
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Ron Smith rsm***@4thriverfinancia... 4th River Financial Group Financial Consultant
Maryanne Godfrey mar***** 3gs, Llc Accounts Payable
Vasily Dinkov vas*** 8wines Founding Partner And Chief Executive Officer
Miriam Baumgartner mir*** 3gsm Gmbh Marketing Assistant And Mineralogy
Andreas Gaich and**** 3gsm Gmbh Managing Director
Philipp Wagner phi**** 3gsm Gmbh Software Developer And Computer Vision Engineer
Romana Katzianer rom*** 3gsm Gmbh Office Management
Douglas Tirola dou********** 4th Row Films President And Executive Producer
Danielle Rosen dan********** 4th Row Films Vice President, Creative Content Division
David Friedfertig dav************* 4th Row Films Intern