
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Stacy Pipkin spi**** 3hc Inc Clincal Secretary Ii
Donna Winchell dwi****** 3hc Inc Referral Coordinator Ii
Sherrie Capps sca*** 3hc Inc Clinical Secretary Ii
Lauran Archer lar**** 3hc Inc Community Relationship Specialist
Sophie Josephs sjo***** 3hc Inc Private Duty Nurse
Amberly Broadwell abr******* 3hc Inc Quality Care Manager
Yego Shimelis yeg********* 4thmvmt Vice President Of Supply Chain And Merchandising
Karim Webb kar****** 4thmvmt Chief Executive Officer
Daisy Villa dai******* 4thmvmt Partner
Leslie Ringgold les*********** 4thmvmt Vice President Of Growth