
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Yosra Jbeli yos** 3is Directeur Commercial
Samantha Coffee sam***** 3isolutions Analytical Lab Manager
Alon Raskin alo* 3isolutions Chief Technology Officer
Scott Peters sco** 3isolutions Director Of Product Development
Berlis Stephie ber*** 3isolutions Call Center Customer Service Representative
Ammaarah Jacobs amm***** 3isolutions Customer Service Agent
Abdulrahman Ganzal abd******** 3isolutions Owner
Tasrieq Jacobs tas**** 3isolutions Customer Service
Christiana Kurtz chr*******@90degreebyreflex... 90 Degree By Reflex In House Photographer And Photo Editor
Whitney Andrews whi****@90degreebyreflex... 90 Degree By Reflex Social Media Manager