
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Jessica Selm jes**** 4x Solutions Client Services Manager
Isabelle Attwood isa***** 3li Business Solutions Coordinatrice Des Opérations
Stephane Larregle ste***** 3li Business Solutions Responsable Commercial Idf
Gregg Whitlock gre** 4x3, Llc Art Director
Jake Hartline jak* 4x3, Llc Graphic Design Intern
Alexander Mccurry ale****** 4x3, Llc Director Of It Services And Infrastructure
Alexandre Authier ale****** 90tech User Interface Designer
Agathe Maire aga*** 90tech Etudiante Alternance En Communication Marketing
Manon Starczan man** 90tech Assistante Commerciale Et Marketing
Emilien Liodau emi**** 90tech Co Fondateur