
Name Category Domains Description
recaptcha-min Widgets 6,552 reCAPTCHA v3 is a service provided by Google that helps protect websites from spam and abuse by analyzing user interactions with a website.
KineticJS Frontend 6 KineticJS is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript library that enables high-performance animations, transitions, node nesting, layering, filtering, caching, and event handling for desktop and mobile applications.
Hogan Frontend 3 Hogan is a templating engine used in web development to generate HTML markup with dynamic data. It provides a simple syntax for embedding data into HTML templates, making it easier to create dynamic web pages.
Typekit Frontend 542,741 Typekit is a subscription font service by Adobe that allows users to access a library of high-quality fonts for use on websites and other digital projects.
sIFR Frontend 7 sIFR (Scalable Inman Flash Replacement) is a technology that allows designers to use custom fonts on web pages by rendering text in a Flash element. This method was popular before web fonts became widely supported across browsers.
strapdown Frontend 0 Strapdown is a JavaScript library that allows you to quickly and easily create a Markdown-based documentation and presentation website.
sharethis-min Widgets 188 ShareThis is a social sharing platform that provides website owners with the ability to easily integrate social sharing buttons, social analytics, and social media advertising solutions into their websites through a tool called sharethis-min.
Stackla Widgets 500 Stackla is a social media aggregation and curation platform that allows brands to collect and display user-generated content from various social media channels.
MochiKit Frontend 255 MochiKit is a JavaScript library that provides a suite of flexible and powerful tools for building web applications. It includes modules for AJAX, DOM manipulation, event handling, and more, making it a valuable resource for front-end developers.
Linkedin Widgets 126 LinkedIn is a professional networking platform designed to connect professionals and facilitate networking, job searching, and career development.