
Name Category Domains Description
Less Frontend 21 Less is a preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). It provides a more dynamic and efficient way of writing CSS by utilizing variables, functions, and mixins.
hammer Frontend 121 Hammer is a web development framework for creating modern websites and web applications. It provides a flexible and efficient toolset for building responsive and interactive user interfaces.
jqPlot Frontend 0 jqPlot is a plotting and charting plugin for the jQuery JavaScript framework. It provides interactive and customizable charts for data visualization on web pages.
glyphicons Frontend 695,347 Glyphicons is a set of icons for use in web development, originally created for use in Twitter Bootstrap. They provide a collection of small, monochromatic icons in a variety of categories that can be easily incorporated into web projects.
chartbeat Frontend 6,388 Chartbeat is a content intelligence platform that helps publishers and media organizations understand how their audience is engaging with their content in real time. It provides real-time analytics and insights to help publishers optimize their content and engage with their audience more effectively.
bootstrap-min Frontend 4,732 Bootstrap-Min is a lightweight version of the popular front-end framework Bootstrap. It aims to provide essential CSS and JavaScript components for building responsive websites while minimizing file size and load times.
Zope Technologies 0 Zope is a web application server written in Python. It allows building web applications and dynamic, content-driven websites. Zope provides a range of tools for managing content, users, and permissions, making it suitable for building complex web applications.
snoobi Analytics 0 Snoobi is a web analytics tool that provides insights into website visitor behavior, traffic sources, and other key metrics to help website owners make informed decisions about their online presence.
veoxa Advertising 0 Veoxa is a fictional website technology and does not have a real-world existence.
ob-min Advertising 110 OB-MIN is a web technology designed to enhance website performance and user experience by optimizing resources and minimizing data requests. It aims to reduce load times and improve overall efficiency.