
Name Category Domains Description
particles.js JavaScript Graphics 6,952 particles.js is a lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles effects on websites. It allows developers to easily add interactive backgrounds and animations to web pages. A/B Testing 3,939 is a technology platform that offers content analytics and audience insights for digital publishers. It helps publishers understand their audience and optimize content for better engagement and performance.
Pantheon Hosting 1 Pantheon is a website technology platform that provides hosting, development, and management tools for building and maintaining websites. It offers a range of features including multi-environment infrastructure, scaling, and automated updates.
PageLife Trust 160 PageLife is a website technology platform designed to assist users in creating interactive, data-driven web pages without the need for extensive coding knowledge.
OptiMonk Marketing 6,749 OptiMonk is a website technology that offers a suite of tools for lead generation, conversion optimization, and messaging. It provides features such as pop-ups, sticky bars, and full-screen overlays to engage website visitors and increase conversions.
Omega Instant Search Search Engines 497 Omega Instant Search is a website technology that provides users with instant search results as they type their queries, helping them find information more quickly and efficiently. Project Management 4,342 is a work operating system that enables organizations to build custom workflow apps in minutes. It provides a visual and intuitive platform for teams to manage projects, tasks, and workloads.
Mobirise Landing Page Builders 29,665 Mobirise is a website builder software that allows users to create mobile-friendly, responsive websites without the need for coding. It offers a drag-and-drop interface and a variety of pre-designed blocks and templates to streamline the website building process.
Mimecast Email 5,679 Mimecast is a cloud-based email security and management service that offers email filtering, continuity, and archiving. It helps organizations protect against email-borne threats, ensure email continuity, and archive emails for compliance and e-discovery purposes.
Microsoft SharePoint CMS 40,948 Microsoft SharePoint is a web-based collaboration and document management platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. It is commonly used for intranet sites, document management, and file sharing within organizations.